Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Long weekend

Hey blog! I just suffered probably the most god-forsaken four-day-weekend in my life, and I was *sooooo* happy to go back to class today! I love my teachers and Arabic is pretty cool. - Although it IS annoying that I can always think of how to say things in Japanese, but have no idea how to say them in Arabic. I live in fear that I might one day blurt out a Japanese word without realizing it during class @_@
Things have been busy here. For kicks I thought I'd post a picture of my school books :

There are a lot of them huh?

Hmm. What's new? Bought a new battery for my laptop, so now I'm mobile again. Moved to a new room where the wireless connection sucks, so I have to go sit out in the lounge if I want to stream a video without it pausing every five minutes. Watched Eli Stone which was a heartwarming show that regrettably ended after just two seasons. Also watched the first season of Sarah Connor.... But it was too depressing to continue, knowing what a uber cliffhanger the show was canceled on. Siiiigh.

Read an amazingly gothic teen novel titled bliss and am now (finally after ages of it being on my list) reading The lightning thief. It's adorable. I'm having trouble getting into the most recent scifi book that I downloaded, which is always a huge disappointment. I'm thinking I'll re-read enders game and sulk.

Have a test tomorrow which I'm (weirdly) psyched about.

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